TLS was last updated
on June 12, 2024.

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a rating for the player based on the NTRP rating
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Team Scouting Report
(As Of 06/10/2024)
Section - Southern
Area - AL - Huntsville
League - 2024 USTA League Adult 18 & Over - Fall 2022- HSV
Flight - 3.0 MEN 18N2S3D
Bianca/Roth 18+ 3.0
League Record: 2 - 8
The Following Have Played In League Matches On This Team (In Rating Order)
Eric Blum - 3.19
Matthew Wolfsberger - 3.15
Mark Stuart - 3.06
Jon Roth - 3.05
Shea Thomas - 2.98
Christian Schenck - 2.79
Ankur Jindal - 2.78
Christopher Bianca - 2.71
Bernie Vatz - 2.70
Richard Nash - 2.69
Carson Hurt - 2.62
Keith Taylor - 2.60
Daryoush Salehi - 2.44
Robert Hughes - 2.37
Adam Tucker - 2.37
League Results By Position
1S 2S 1D 2D 3D
Keith Taylor - 2.60 & Daryoush Salehi - 2.44 0 - 1
Keith Taylor - 2.60 & Christian Schenck - 2.79 1 - 0 1 - 0
Keith Taylor - 2.60 & Carson Hurt - 2.62 0 - 1
Keith Taylor - 2.60 & Adam Tucker - 2.37 0 - 1
Jon Roth - 3.05 & Shea Thomas - 2.98 1 - 0 1 - 0
Jon Roth - 3.05 & Matthew Wolfsberger - 3.15 0 - 1 1 - 0
Robert Hughes - 2.37 & Matthew Wolfsberger - 3.15 1 - 0
Robert Hughes - 2.37 & Adam Tucker - 2.37 0 - 1
Robert Hughes - 2.37 0 - 1
Daryoush Salehi - 2.44 & Adam Tucker - 2.37 0 - 1
Daryoush Salehi - 2.44 0 - 1 0 - 1
Christian Schenck - 2.79 & Bernie Vatz - 2.70 0 - 1 1 - 0 1 - 0
Christian Schenck - 2.79 & Eric Blum - 3.19 0 - 2
Christian Schenck - 2.79 1 - 1
Shea Thomas - 2.98 & Christopher Bianca - 2.71 0 - 1
Richard Nash - 2.69 0 - 5
Christopher Bianca - 2.71 & Matthew Wolfsberger - 3.15 1 - 0
Christopher Bianca - 2.71 & Bernie Vatz - 2.70 1 - 1
Matthew Wolfsberger - 3.15 & Eric Blum - 3.19 1 - 0 1 - 0
Matthew Wolfsberger - 3.15 1 - 0
Carson Hurt - 2.62 & Adam Tucker - 2.37 0 - 1
Carson Hurt - 2.62 0 - 3
Ankur Jindal - 2.78 0 - 1 0 - 3
Adam Tucker - 2.37 0 - 1
Mark Stuart - 3.06 & Jon Roth - 3.05 0 - 1
Mark Stuart - 3.06 & Shea Thomas - 2.98 1 - 1 1 - 0
Mark Stuart - 3.06 & Matthew Wolfsberger - 3.15 1 - 0
Land 3.0 18+
League Record: 8 - 2
The Following Have Played In League Matches On This Team (In Rating Order)
Jonathan Pope - 3.35
Charles Brinkley - 3.23
barrett wright - 3.20
Jacob Knight - 3.16
Brent Land - 3.15
Jared Lawrence - 2.96
Blake Hammock - 2.89
John Ray - 2.88
David Stisher - 2.87
Adam Simmons - 2.83
Troy Butler - 2.81
John Morris - 2.81
Rajan Patel - 2.79
Sean Lyons - 2.69
Darden Heritage - 2.61
Grant Crawford - 2.41
League Results By Position
1S 2S 1D 2D 3D
Adam Simmons - 2.83 & barrett wright - 3.20 1 - 0
Adam Simmons - 2.83 & David Stisher - 2.87 1 - 1
Adam Simmons - 2.83 & Jared Lawrence - 2.96 0 - 1
Troy Butler - 2.81 & Darden Heritage - 2.61 1 - 0
Troy Butler - 2.81 & Grant Crawford - 2.41 0 - 1
Troy Butler - 2.81 0 - 1 1 - 3
Sean Lyons - 2.69 & Grant Crawford - 2.41 3 - 2
Brent Land - 3.15 & barrett wright - 3.20 1 - 0 1 - 0
Brent Land - 3.15 & Jacob Knight - 3.16 1 - 0
Brent Land - 3.15 & Charles Brinkley - 3.23 1 - 0
Brent Land - 3.15 & Jonathan Pope - 3.35 1 - 0
Brent Land - 3.15 & Grant Crawford - 2.41 1 - 0
barrett wright - 3.20 & John Morris - 2.81 1 - 0
barrett wright - 3.20 & Charles Brinkley - 3.23 1 - 0
barrett wright - 3.20 & Jared Lawrence - 2.96 1 - 0
David Stisher - 2.87 & Darden Heritage - 2.61 1 - 0
David Stisher - 2.87 & Jared Lawrence - 2.96 0 - 1
David Stisher - 2.87 & Grant Crawford - 2.41 0 - 1
Jacob Knight - 3.16 & Blake Hammock - 2.89 0 - 1
Jacob Knight - 3.16 & Charles Brinkley - 3.23 1 - 0
Jacob Knight - 3.16 0 - 1 1 - 0
Darden Heritage - 2.61 & John Morris - 2.81 2 - 0
Blake Hammock - 2.89 & John Morris - 2.81 0 - 1
Blake Hammock - 2.89 & Charles Brinkley - 3.23 1 - 0
John Ray - 2.88 3 - 1
John Morris - 2.81 0 - 1
Charles Brinkley - 3.23 & Jonathan Pope - 3.35 1 - 0
Jared Lawrence - 2.96 2 - 0
Jonathan Pope - 3.35 1 - 0
Rajan Patel - 2.79 1 - 1 2 - 0
Mellott 3.0 18+
League Record: 5 - 5
The Following Have Played In League Matches On This Team (In Rating Order)
Chris Smith - 3.28
Drew Reid - 3.26
Zachary Barnett - 3.04
Daniel He - 2.98
Matthew Garside - 2.96
Christopher Jones - 2.91
Samuel Knight - 2.80
Seth Cole - 2.79
Gerald Brackett - 2.77
Benjamin Robertson - 2.73
Isaac Cohen - 2.69
Jeremy Mellott - 2.68
Christopher Cox - 2.54
Nick Coleman - 2.32
Jarrett Swegles - 2.13
League Results By Position
1S 2S 1D 2D 3D
Christopher Jones - 2.91 & Chris Smith - 3.28 0 - 1
Christopher Jones - 2.91 & Gerald Brackett - 2.77 1 - 1
Christopher Jones - 2.91 & Daniel He - 2.98 0 - 1
Christopher Jones - 2.91 1 - 0 0 - 1
Benjamin Robertson - 2.73 & Samuel Knight - 2.80 0 - 1 0 - 1
Benjamin Robertson - 2.73 & Isaac Cohen - 2.69 0 - 1
Benjamin Robertson - 2.73 1 - 0 1 - 1
Jarrett Swegles - 2.13 & Christopher Cox - 2.54 0 - 2
Jarrett Swegles - 2.13 & Isaac Cohen - 2.69 0 - 2
Jarrett Swegles - 2.13 0 - 1
Chris Smith - 3.28 & Zachary Barnett - 3.04 1 - 2
Chris Smith - 3.28 & Matthew Garside - 2.96 1 - 0
Chris Smith - 3.28 1 - 0
Gerald Brackett - 2.77 & Zachary Barnett - 3.04 0 - 1
Gerald Brackett - 2.77 & Matthew Garside - 2.96 0 - 1
Gerald Brackett - 2.77 0 - 1
Drew Reid - 3.26 2 - 0
Zachary Barnett - 3.04 & Seth Cole - 2.79 1 - 0
Zachary Barnett - 3.04 & Isaac Cohen - 2.69 0 - 1
Seth Cole - 2.79 & Jeremy Mellott - 2.68 1 - 1
Jeremy Mellott - 2.68 & Isaac Cohen - 2.69 1 - 0
Jeremy Mellott - 2.68 & Nick Coleman - 2.32 0 - 1
Jeremy Mellott - 2.68 1 - 0
Daniel He - 2.98 & Isaac Cohen - 2.69 0 - 1
Daniel He - 2.98 & Nick Coleman - 2.32 1 - 0
Daniel He - 2.98 1 - 0 2 - 0
Samuel Knight - 2.80 & Matthew Garside - 2.96 0 - 1 1 - 0
Samuel Knight - 2.80 2 - 0
Christopher Cox - 2.54 & Nick Coleman - 2.32 0 - 1 0 - 1
Matthew Garside - 2.96 2 - 0 2 - 0